Last day of the month. It has been a kind of a hectic month, with the tumor of the cat that turned out not to be one, and Sara and I being sick. It made me realize one thing very clearly; I want a boring life.
When I was young I always wanted to live a compelling life. I am a big fan of the Dutch stand up comedian Youp van ‘t Hek, who always said you should become a wanderer, a vagabond. You should roam the world.
Down Under
Well, I can’t say I haven’t roamed the world. Maybe not as wild as some people, but I’ve spent a year in Australia, doing all kinds of things I probably shouldn’t tell my parents. I traveled 8 months through New Zealand and Tonga. I lived for 9 months in Nicaragua and I spent twice half a year in India, teaching yoga.
I’ve loved, lost and married the girl of my dreams. To be fair, there isn’t much I desire anymore. No wild things at least. I think I’ve lost all my wild hair. I’m happy with the life I have, the house I live in, and the beautiful woman I’m with.
The only thing I want now, is time to do my things, which is trail running, writing, reading and doing yoga.
Fast lane
Since I met Sara we’ve always lived in the fast lane. We lived in Italy, on Tenerife, mainland Spain, India, and now we’re in the Netherlands. We’ve rebuilt a house, started a permaculture garden, left everything behind and started over from scratch.
We’ve built a company, La Scimmia Yoga, that’s keeping quite a few people from the street. We created loads of yoga courses and workshops. We’ve written two books together, and as well Sara as I have written one book on our own.
To do so, we used to work 7 days a week, from 8 in the morning till 9 in the evening. Last year 7 days became 6, and now most of the time we even have a weekend of 2 days, and we try to have the evening free as well.
Now the remodeling of the house, the office, the yoga shala and the film and photo studio here in the Netherlands is almost done, I want a boring life. A moment to recharge. A moment to just read, write, run and do yoga. I want a moment for myself. Let’s see if I can make that happen. RELATED: Crazy weeks versus boring weeks