Long, long day. Yoga festival day. Up at 7 am to go over Sara’s class one more time. At the Milan Yoga Festival at 11 am, home past midnight.
Okay, the festival didn’t close at midnight. It closed before. And we were at the apartment earlier than that. But we were just there to change from yoga clothes into normal clothes, sit on the sofa for half an hour with a cup of tea, trying not to fall asleep, and hit the road again.
ReYoga dinner
Hitting the road was for fun. We had a little farewell dinner with the guys of ReYoga. Davide, Fedde and Andrea are friends, and we’re slowly getting to know the rest of the team. All amazing people, so we were happy that Davide invited Sara, me and Nicola – our musician – for a little farewell dinner; sushi. I mean, it will be a couple of months before we see them again. Probably next summer. So that’s even more than a couple of months.
The festival was amazing. Or maybe I should say Sara’s classes were amazing. Sara and Nicola were amazing. And Vera and Francesca were amazing. I will tell you all about it. But not now. Now it’s bedtime.