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Picking up old paper instead of running

Today was an unplanned day of rest. Sometimes days just turn out like that. I mean, I did something. I did 40 minutes of Yin Yoga to be precise, but that’s all. Why? Because Sara and I were picking up old paper. 

I wanted to do more. I had planned some recovery training for this afternoon and a core work-out for this evening, but it didn’t happen. Time wasn’t on my side. 

You have those days. Well, at least I have those days. Maybe this day started already yesterday evening with another core training that didn’t happen. Now I do have an excuse for that. Sara and I were picking up old paper in our neighborhood.

Super Sara

It’s a little job we did for the neighborhood association. Volunteers go around the streets with the garbage truck, or in this case an old paper truck, to empty the containers and pick up all the boxes. In return the neighborhood association gets the money for the old paper. 

It was our first time. We volunteered months ago. Looking at Saturday’s race the timing wasn’t great, but it was good fun. Especially hanging at the back of the truck, on the little running-board. It felt a bit like snowboarding. But maybe I have a very big imagination. 

In our neighborhood it’s a job for guys. So of course Sara volunteered. She doesn’t like to be stigmatized, and wanted to show she can do the job as well. She was amazing. My super Sara. 

Yin Yoga

It took us 3,5 hours. Last month they cancelled, because of the heath, so we had a double load. This morning we had an early appointment at the dentist, so we didn’t have a lot of time before going out. That’s the reason I only did 40 minutes of yin yoga. It made my lower back very happy. 

This afternoon I didn’t have time for recovery training. Too much editing to do for the new course with Vera Bettiol for La Scimmia Yoga. For skipping core I don’t have a good excuse. I really just felt like sushi. So I went out and got some. 

But hé, it’s the week before the Steam Trail. 25 kilometers normally asks for a serious taper. So this day of rest is part of my taper. How does that sound as an excuse?

PS: My new Brooks shoes have arrived. More on them later.

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