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Playing with my new GoPro Max

Easy trail run this morning. Ten kilometers that was all. I threw in two intervals to make my legs and heart work a little bit. For the rest, I was just playing with my new GoPro Max.

I like to film a little bit when I am running in the mountains or somewhere in a forest. I am not sure if I will already start during the Three Mealls Trail race at Skyline Scotland this month. It all depends how quickly I understand how the camera works.

New GoPro Max

New cameras are great, but they have one little problem. They are new. I know this sounds stupid, but I love my old Nikon D5300 DSLR. I got one in 2014. That is almost 8 years ago.

I replaced it twice, with the same model. Once, because I was robbed in Nicaragua, by a guy with a machete and too much cocaine in his nose. The other time, because it was in the back of the car in Italy, together with a leaking bottle of olive oil.

The reason I choose the old model again, is simply because I know everything there is to know about that camera. I can handle it, without thinking. That way I can focus on what’s in front of me and the picture or scene I want to shoot.

New toy

This GoPro Max 360 is a new toy. This morning I took some shots with it. They look fun, but now I have to find out how to edit them, and how to get the most out of this camera. Only if I can do that, it’s worth taking it on a run that is as challenging as I think the Three Mealls peak trail is going to be.

Luckily we have two weeks in Scotland before the race. So let’s see what I can get out of this camera.

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