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We’re going on a trail running holiday

Yes, it’s done. We have booked. We’re going on a trail running holiday to Austria. It won’t be for a while, but it’s something to look forward to. 

Okay, trail running holiday is a big word. We won’t be running every day. Well, not all of us. Maybe half of us. But the idea is to do a lot of running and hiking

Oetztal and Pitztal

We’ve booked an apartment in Oetz, in Tirol. By the looks of it, Austria is a trail run paradise. The valley we’re in, Oetztal, already has 14 marked trail runs. Pitztal is nearby and has lots of trails as well. Some are relatively easy, some are hard. Sara wants to get better at running in the mountains, so it’s great for her. I like challenges, so it’s great for me as well. 

We’ll go in September, when most people are back from holiday. Sara and I teach retreats and workshops in Italy, in June. July and August are busy film months. We have lots of yoga teachers coming to our place to film new yoga courses.

Retreats in Salento and Piemonte

At the beginning of September we’re in Italy again. This time to teach a yoga retreat in Salento. That will be an intense one, with a lot to learn. At the end of September we’ll be teaching a yoga retreat in Piemonte

As we’re in Italy at the beginning and at the end of September, we decided to stay close by. That’s why we have chosen Austria. Okay, not just because it’s close by. Also because we would like to run in the mountains. For the rest, we don’t have a lot on our wishlist. Peace and quietness, a good book, a nice cup of tea, a brownie and a good sofa, that’s it. That’s a holiday for us these days. 

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