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Solinska and Retulli win shortened Trail Verbier 2024

Katarzyna Solinska (Poland) and Eliot Retulli (France) have won the Trail Verbier 2024; the X-Alpine, part of the UTMB World Series. The race was shortened due to the poor conditions of the trail and the bad weather.

Solinska ran a strong race. The ultra runner of On Trail Team finished with her time of 8 hours, 3 minutes and 54 seconds just outside of the top ten (11th) overall. Charlotte Allain (France) took second place in 8:46:45. Magali Mellon proved again how strong France is as ultra run country at this moment by conquering the third spot on the podium in 8:49:17. Leaving Aroa Sid (Spain, 4th), Clara Gasser (Swiss, 5th) and Ildiko Wermescher (Hungary, 6th) podiumless.

Exciting men’s race

Retulli paced his race very well. The Team Salomon Trail Academy athlete ran in third position for almost the entire race. After passing the last checkpoint at Orny, 47 kilometres into the race, he launched his attack and overtook Baptiste Chassagne (France) and Martin Anthamatten (Swiss). He stopped the clock in La Fouly at 7:00:25.

Behind Retulli, Chassagne held on to second place. The Nike Trail athlete led from the start, but saw first Anthamatten pass and then Retulli. In the last stretch of the race he managed to fight his way back to second place; 7:06:13.

Anthamatten took the lead after Champex, but the race was just 15 kilometres too long for the Swiss Adidas Terrex runner. At Orny, the last checkpoint before the finish and with only 400 metres of climbing to go, he was still leading, but at the finish line he found himself back in third position. Missing second by only 20 seconds.

RELATED: All eyes on Val d’Aran, UTMB’s European Major

Race shortened

Originally the X-alpine ultra is 140 kilometres long, with 9.300 metres of elevation and starts and finishes in Verbier. Due to the heavy rainfall in Spring, closed roads, risk of watercourse overflows and the bad weather the organisation shortened the race to 60 kilometres, with 3.900 metres of climbing. The athletes now had to run from Verbier to La Fouly and were transported back to the start by bus.

THe X-Traverse, the 100 kilometres race, was cancelled for the same reasons. The Verbier Marathon is also shortened and will now be 38 kilometres, with 2.500 metres of elevation. That race will be held today, Sunday July 7, instead of on a Saturday.


All results Trail Verbier 2024

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