Yes! The beta version of the new The Running Dutchman is now online. From now on The Running Dutchman is all about you. How you can improve your trail and ultra running by training smarter.
We see trail and ultra running as a big puzzle. Gear, nutrition, race pace, strategy, crew, training, resting; all these pieces of the puzzle have to be put in the right place to run a great race. We’re going to help you to solve the puzzle.
Train smarter
We will do the research for you, speak to coaches and specialists, read all the books that are out there, and tell you how you can improve as a runner. You will find this in the Training section of the website. Soon you will also find there training schedules to help you start running, running faster and running smarter. We created and tested these schedules ourselves, so we know we give you something that works.
Besides that we’re going to share more nutrition secrets with you. What to eat? When to eat, before, during and after a race? You will find this in the new Nutrition section.
We will also interview the creme de la creme of trail and ultra running, so you can learn from the pros. But we will also interview runners like you and me. Runners with normal 9 to 5 jobs, who are still able to combine hours and hours of training, with their work and social life. You will find this in the Interview section.
As we’re kind of gear freaks, we’re going to dive more into gear. What apps and accessories are helpful? What shoes should you buy? What gear is a waste of money? We run in nature, we care about nature, so we will test the gear on durability and longevity as well. You will find all of this in our extensive gear section.
Race reviews
We love to run. On our own, and together with you. That’s why we try to do as many trail and ultra races as we can. Sometimes to be fast, sometimes as a training, and sometimes just to get to the finish. As you are used to, you will find our reviews, thoughts and impressions of these races in the Trail & Ultra Race section of the website. However, to get a feeling for the races yourself, we now bring our video camera with us. So from now onwards, you will find our race videos on the website. Seeing is believing, so you can see for yourself if you want to do these races as well.
As we’re still bookworms, we keep reading everything we can find about trail running, ultra running, and sport science. We will share our thoughts about these books with you in the Book section.
All of this doesn’t mean, we’re not sharing our own running highs, lows and insecurities with you anymore. On a regular basis we will still share what we’re up to in our Columns.
We love podcasts and audiobooks. They keep us company on our long runs and when we prepare lunch. Some podcasts are more informative, some more fun and entertaining. We also like to make podcasts. That’s why we’re going to try to use our podcast equipment a little more and share our race stories with you, and go over to some great runners and coaches to hear their advice and stories.
Beta version
As with every beta version, this new online magazine is not perfect yet. We’re still converting some old posts in new formats, getting rid of some leftover lorem ipsums we used for demo purposes, and are fixing some links. However, we didn’t want to let you wait any longer, so we’ve already put the new The Running Dutchman magazine online for you. We hope you have as much fun reading it, as we have making it. Keep on Running Editor-in-Chief John Kraijenbrink

John Kraijenbrink
I run for fun. I run to be in the mountains, in the forest. I run, because running fascinates me. That’s why I study all the science about running. What I discover, I share with you. To help you to be a better runner, but above all to help you having fun running.