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2025 a year full of revenge

2025 is going to be my year of revenge. Revenge at the Rotterdam Marathon - breaking 4 hours - and revenge at the CCC.

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What to do, what to do?

My racing year isn't over yet. I've got one more race; a weird one. The race, the timing, everything. So what to do?

Midlife crisis Marathon

My next goal is a fun one. I call it my midlife crisis marathon; beating the personal best I set 30 years ago.

Starting all over again with ultra running

The snow has melted away. Mud and puddles are the only evidence it has been snowing this morning. I'm out for a run.

Running through the history of Paris

Two days after we’ve returned from Mallorca I find myself back in Paris. It’s a Monday morning, Sara is in bed, I'm out.

Numbers tell the tale; a new personal best

Today is test day. Five kilometres all out, so time is chasing me, because my goal is a new personal best.

I got a professional trail running coach

I have to say, I feel like a pro athlete this moment. Why? Because I have a professional trail running coach helping me.

New worlds are opening up for me

I’ve subscribed for my first off-road run-bike-run. Ever since I’ve bought a gravel bike, new worlds are opening up.

The UTMB CCC is going to hurt a little longer

It's the week after UTMB and I haven't shaken off the disappointment of my DNF yet. It's going to hurt a little longer.

The pre-race jitters for the CCC have arrived

They are here, the pre-race jitters. Now that I've picked up my bib number for the UTMB there's no escaping them.

Congratulations to every runner who made it to the UTMB start

The UTMB races are under way and there is more to come: OCC, CCC and UTMB, and I think that asks for a congratulations.

UTMB: High five season has started in Chamonix

It's UTMB week, the race were kids can meet their heros and collect sweaty, muddy high fives.

Good news and good news, CCC here I come

Yes, two days of good news. As good as it gets. But the most important thing, I'll be at the start line of the UTMB CCC.

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Editor's Choice

2025 a year full of revenge

2025 is going to be my year of revenge. Revenge at the Rotterdam Marathon - breaking 4 hours - and revenge at the CCC.

What to do, what to do?

My racing year isn't over yet. I've got one more race; a weird one. The race, the timing, everything. So what to do?

Midlife crisis Marathon

My next goal is a fun one. I call it my midlife crisis marathon; beating the personal best I set 30 years ago.

Starting all over again with ultra running

The snow has melted away. Mud and puddles are the only evidence it has been snowing this morning. I'm out for a run.

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