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Arc of Attrition becomes a UTMB World Series Race

The Arc of Attrition in Cornwall, England, is going to be an UTMB World Series race from next year onwards. The race over the Cornish Coast Path will be held on January 24 up until January 26. 2025.

It means that the United Kingdom now has two UTMB World Series Races, where runners can collect Running Stones for the UTMB Mont Blanc final. The other race in the UK is the Ultra Trail Snowdonia, in Wales, that takes place in May.

Three distances

The Arc of Attrition will offer three distances: Arc 100 (160 kilometres, 4.241m+), Arc 50 (80 kilometres, 2.271m+) and the Arc 25 (40 kilometres, 1.000m+). The last one is new.

The was founded by the MudCrew, that also organises the RAT Trail and Ultra Festival. Jane Stephens, Andy Trudgian, and Andrew Ferguson, owners of the MudCrew, will keep organising the Arc of Attrition. They have promised that the event’s collaboration with UTMB won’t change the Arc’s original essence and qualities. In other words they will keep focussing on Cornish culture and community spirit.

Unique place

As the Arc of Attrition will be held in January it does take up a unique place on the European UTMB agenda, as there wasn’t any World Series race between November (Kullamannen/Mallorca) and March (Chianti Ultra).

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